Student Events
Students are able to enjoy a variety of events during the school year that build community, connections, and promote school spirit. Most events are designed by students for students. Events provide students with balance from the academics and the opportunity to engage with peers outside of the classroom.
Examples of Davidson Academy Online Events:
- Winter Book Exchange: Students sign up to send books to fellow students over winter break.
- DAO Splash!: A workshop day of informative presentations given by DAO students.
- Bupple Valentines: Bupple is a combination of the words bud and couple. Students are paired up by interest, meet virtually, and submit screenshots to be entered to win prizes.
- School Dances: Yes, we have dances at an online school, and they are well loved by students and staff.
- First Friday Events: The first Friday of the month is dedicated to the arts. Events include talent shows, poetry readings, art galleries, improv nights, and much more.
- Fun and Game: Davidson Academy Online hosts a variety of game nights, trivia nights, and fun, friendly competitions between students.
- Monthly Community Meeting: Students gather together each month to meet as a school and build community outside the classroom.
Students also participate in a number of events outside of school. Please see our newsletter archive for a running list of student events and activities.
DAO student Linus T. was named a 2024 Regeneron Science Talent Search Finalist. Linus was just 1 of 40 finalists named from 2,162 applicants across 46 States, Puerto Rico, and 10 other countries. Linus will receive a $25,000 scholarship and will travel to Washington D.C. to compete for larger prizes.
Senior Kierra W. recently had the incredible honor of being named a 2023 Rise Global Winner, an initiative by Schmidt Futures (co-founded by Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google) and Rhodes Trust (the charity that funds Rhodes scholarship, the world’s oldest and arguably one of the most prestigious graduate scholarships).
Marvin M. is the first Davidson Academy student to ever be named a MATHCOUNTS national champion!
Davidson Academy Online student Sequoia D. was recently accepted into the PEER Summer Research Program, a partnership between Caltech and the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine. In this program, high schoolers have the opportunity to intern with laboratories at Caltech and will receive lessons on anatomy and medicine.