How to Apply
The application for the 2025-26 school year is now closed.
Step 1: Review Essential Pages and Material
- Review the Application System FAQs before you begin the Application Process.
- Read the Eligibility Criteria page for general applicant requirements.
- Obtain a qualified testing score from one of the qualified tests listed on the Accepted Tests page.
- Please review the information on specific testing requirements for applicants who are 12 or younger, 13 or older, applying for single-course enrollment, or reapplying.
Step 2: Full-time or Single-course Enrollment
- Applicants will need to confirm they will be applying for either full-time or single-course enrollment.
- Review the Single-Course enrollments page for information regarding the options for single-course enrollment.
Step 3: Reach out to Recommenders
- Retrieve contact information for the applicant's recommenders.
- Recommenders cannot be an immediate family member.
- The recommender cannot be the individual who administered the testing used in the application.
- Must have recently taught the student in the associated subjects
- Mathematics
- English
- Other (Science, Mentor, Coach, etc)
- Each recommender must be a different person and cannot be used for multiple recommender forms
- These contacts will be prompted to complete a form generated in our application system.
- Recommender letters may not be submitted outside the application system.
- Students applying to Single Course Geometry will not need to submit an English Recommender.
- Students applying to Single Course English will not need to submit a Math Recommender.
Step 4: Login to the Application System
- Access our Application System at
- You will need to create a unique account per student applying.
- Parents will need create their own separate accounts and be added as a collaborator to the student's application.
- Once you are logged in, select Davidson Academy Online from the list of available programs.
Subscribe to our eNewsletter for updates on our application.
Step 5: Verify Email Correspondence
- Emails are sent out for following points:
- Account creation
- Application creation and notification
- Notification and completion of Recommender Forms
- To both the recommender and the applicant
- Completion of Application
- All complete applicants will receive an email stating whether the applicant is invited to assess, not eligible, or if more information is needed.
- Add and to your safe sender list and notify your recommenders and all parent/guardians to do the same. This will minimize the chance of emails/notifications sent by the application system and the applications and assessment team being classified as spam or junk.
- For further details on adding an email domain to your safe sender list, please search online or see our Application System FAQ: "Q. Will I be receiving any email notifications after I apply through the Application System?".
Step 6: Complete the Application
Applications are not considered submitted for review until all tasks are marked as complete and have a green check mark, and the application has been submitted by the application deadline.
- Applicant Information
- Program Selection
- Davidson Program Experience
- School Information
- Students with a current IEP/Section 504 plan will be required to upload the document to the application.
- Extracurricular, Personal, and Volunteer Activities
- Reports and Records
- Math Placement Test (Full-Time applicants only)
- Qualifying Testing Scores
- Recommender Forms
- All required recommenders must fill in and sign the recommender forms. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all recommender forms are complete.
- Each recommender must be a different person and cannot be used for multiple recommender forms
- Application & Assessment Fee
- Davidson Academy Online has a $100 application and assessment fee for out-of-state applicants.
- There is no application fee for Nevada residents.
- Proof of Residency
- Nevada residents must submit a Nevada Real ID to show proof of residency.
- Parent Section (must be completed by a Parent/Guardian collaborator account)
- Parent/Guardian Information
- Parent Questions
- Parent Agreement Forms
Step 7: Next Steps
- Applicants who meet the Davidson Academy Online's eligibility criteria and application requirements will be invited to assessment. See our Application Review Process.
Remote Testing Options
The Davidson Institute has partnered with Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development (CTD) to offer two remote testing options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get my child tested for the application?
- For talent search/college placement tests, a copy of an electronic or paper official score report from the talent search organization, College Board, or ACT can be submitted.
- Any testing reports submitted that are not listed in the Accepted Tests page will be considered supplemental material.
- Please read the Davidson Institute's article on How to Get Your Child Tested for Giftedness to find out where to get the testing administered.
Can students take just one or two Davidson Academy Online courses?
Yes, please see the Single-Course Enrollments page.
It seems like the Davidson Institute and Davidson Academy Online understand that age is not indicative of ability level, so why are there age ranges for applicant eligibility?
While age and ability do not necessarily correlate, it’s been our experience that profoundly gifted students in the posted age ranges have been the most successful at Davidson Academy Online. Students ages 9-13 are encouraged to apply for the Davidson Explore program.