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About Us

Enriching Education. Fostering Community.

Davidson Academy Online is rooted in the belief that every student should be challenged, engaged, and supported in a learning environment that places no limits on what they can achieve. We have created an educational space for profoundly gifted learners to flex their intellect, explore their passions, build their sense of self and community, and learn alongside their intellectual peers.

Who We Serve

We guide profoundly gifted middle and high school students. Profoundly gifted students score in the 99.9th percentile on IQ and achievement tests and think and learn differently than other students. 

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Davidson Academy student on laptop

What We Do

We provide highly gifted young people with an education matched to their abilities in an environment with intellectual peers that supports their unique strengths and intellect. Our vision is to challenge, nurture, educate, and inspire our brightest students so they can change the world.

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exterior of the Davidson Academy

Our History

In 2006, the Davidson Academy of Nevada opened as the first free public school of its kind for profoundly gifted middle and high school students. In 2016, the fully accredited Davidson Academy Online was launched. Here is a brief timeline of what lead to the opening of the school and what's happened since then.

History & Timeline
Bob Davidson headshot

Message from Bob Davidson

"I am often asked why I support our nation’s brightest students with a special school like the Davidson Academy. My answer is two-fold: It’s the right thing to do for the students, and it’s the right thing to do for our nation."

Founder's Message


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It’s insane how easy it is to connect and relate to the people around you at Davidson Academy Online. Students are from all over the country and have various educational backgrounds, and have a wide variety of hobbies and interests among them. Despite all these differences, DAO has pulled all of us together, and it’s nearly effortless to find something in common with every student here.

Davidson Academy Student