Academics FAQs
Here you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about Davidson Academy Online's academic offerings.
What type of homework is required of students?
The homework is an extension of classroom discoveries and interactions. It is not busy work but meaningful assignments that engage students in applying information and skills for mastery. Students are responsible for prioritizing their homework assignments and managing their time. The Davidson Academy Online staff is available to guide students with their study skills. Students taking five courses report having up to 10 hours of homework each week.
Do you have syllabi and a list of texts that will be used for the courses?
Our online courses are modeled from existing face-to-face courses at the Davidson Academy's Reno day school, where instructors often adapt the courses to the specific learning needs of the students. Additionally, almost all of our courses incorporate a variety of resources and primary sources instead of relying on a traditional textbooks. Therefore, we do not publicly release text titles or detailed syllabi. Please see our Courses page for detailed descriptions of all courses.
Are Davidson Academy Online courses aligned to the Common Core State Standards?
Our courses focus on depth and application of concepts designed to engage profoundly gifted students. This often means that the content is beyond the Common Core grade level designations, although the content for most of the topics in our core courses are identified in the Common Core State Standards.
Will the courses have live sessions or utilize pre-recorded videos?
Both. All courses will have regular, live synchronous meetings via web-conferencing as well as pre-recorded videos and other online learning activities. Accepted students will receive their live session schedule in the summer prior to the start of school.
How many students will be in each class?
Classes are typically capped at 15 students, but often have less. Our focus is on offering classes that our students need, rather than ensuring that each class is full.
Will the classes be semester- or year-long?
All core classes will be a full academic year. Most electives are semester-long classes.
Are the courses self-paced?
Courses are not self-paced, but they are designed for young, profoundly gifted students who have some variation in their preparation. Individual attention will be available throughout the courses to ensure success of all participants.
Will students have the opportunity to collaborate with their classmates?
Yes. Participants will interact with peers through a variety of course activities. It is our goal for this to be an engaged and inspired community of gifted learners.
How will the labs work in the science classes?
The science courses will include hands-on labs. These are typically in the form of lab kits that are mailed directly to each student. Depending on the lab, the students may work through parts of the lab during live sessions or the teacher may provide lab goals and instructions in our learning management system for students. Some labs may require students to videotape themselves doing parts of the lab. Our goal is to ensure that the online science courses have the same level of depth and rigor as our face-to-face courses.
What courses will be offered in future years?
Our course listings increase on an annual basis. Please see our Courses page for a current list of courses.
Which world languages do you offer?
Please see our Courses page for an updated listing with descriptions.
What type of support should parents expect to be providing at home?
Parents should expect to help their students develop routines to work on their courses, interact with teachers and peers, and reach out to teachers through all of the tools available (synchronous lessons, email, discussion boards, office hours, etc.).
Do Davidson Academy Online students receive social and emotional support?
Yes. A component of the learning community at Davidson Academy Online is based on exploring, discussing, and supporting the social and emotional needs of students. Our staff has been trained in these areas, and they are available to guide and support students.
How will Davidson Academy Online accommodate students who are twice-exceptional (2e)?
Davidson Academy Online accepts students who show a sufficient level of academic readiness based on our curriculum-based assessment. While we will no longer offer official special education plans, this does not change our commitment to providing a high quality and appropriately challenging education. Students who need specialized services from a licensed professional (e.g. speech therapist, occupational therapist) should be able to receive those from their local public school.
What types of college planning assistance is offered?
Davidson Academy Online students work with their school counselors and have access to assistance from experienced outside consultants as well. Students and parents use web-based college planning tools to effectively map and track both college selection and the application process in the years prior to the student's anticipated graduation date.
More questions?
Join one of our Virtual Open Houses for an opportunity to meet and ask questions to current students, parents, and faculty.