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Davidson Academy Online Alumni

Fostering lifelong relationships among alumni, parents and students

Davidson Academy Online Alumni Association

DAO has always been a small, tight-knit community, and our Alumni Association seeks to keep those connections strong long after students have graduated. The goals of the DAO Alumni Association are:
  • Creating a vibrant and enduring community that allows our outstanding alumni to stay connected with one another.
  • Giving alumni opportunities to network, discuss opportunities, and share updates about their lives.
  • Maintaining a strong connection between alumni and the current DAO community.
  • Helping DAO students to see the bigger picture beyond graduation.
  • Allowing DAO faculty and staff to see the impact that DAO has had on the lives and careers of its graduates.
  • Illustrating to potential DAO families the diverse paths that our alumni take after graduation.
As our alumni make their mark on the world, they can always rely on the support and encouragement of their DAO family. Current students, parents, and other DAO stakeholders are encouraged to watch this space for updates on our Alumni Association.

DAO Alumni Update Newsletter

Our Graduates

Our students have been accepted into the following institutions.

View the list

Graduating Class of 2024

Graduating Class of 2023

Important Links & Resources

DAO Alumni Association Discord

Our Alumni Association has a Discord and we’d like to welcome each of you to join. This is a place where alumni can keep in touch, chat about their lives, share resources, and network with each other. If you would like an invitation to join the Discord, please email Jessica Potts.

DAO Alumni Association Instagram

Along with our private Discord server, we also have a public facing Instagram account! We’ll use this account to share big information about the Association and to keep the public informed about our alumni. If you would like to share something with the alumni community on Instagram, you can tag us using @davidsononlinealumni.

Alumni, we'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to Jessica Potts at