Introduction to Arduino
Course Overview
Arduinos are programmable microcontroller boards, capable of controlling a variety of circuits and electronics. They are an excellent tool for learning about coding and circuits.
The Introduction to Arduino course will provide a foundation for students to build their knowledge of programming and circuits. We will learn about programming Arduinos, interpreting circuit diagrams, building and designing circuits, and creating autonomous systems using the Arduino and a variety of sensor inputs.
This introductory course assumes students have no prior knowledge of programming or circuits. At the start of the course, students will learn how to interpret circuit diagrams and will build simple circuits with L.E.D.s and motors using their own components and a breadboard. Then, students will learn Ohm’s law and will calculate voltage/amperage/resistance on a circuit. Students will learn how to program an Arduino to control components of a circuit. Students will demonstrate their understanding of coding and circuits with weekly design projects. These projects will require a student to build a physical circuit controlled by the Arduino with code that they write. As the course progresses the projects will become more complex, and students will incorporate a variety of input/output components in their designs. Students will present their projects and designs via online discussion boards, videos, and PowerPoint presentations.